Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I access the Navigation Menu?
Click the "hamburger" icon located at the top right of any page.
- I really like this Web App! Who created it?
- Take a look at the Green Walk Tour Credits on the Intro page »
- How can I make sure that I have the most recent data?
Your browser will check for new data each time you visit the site. If you want to manually check for updates, click this big orange button to force an update:
Get The Latest Data
- What data are you storing in my browser?
When you first visit this site, we download a few very small (~<5k) text [JSON] files to your browser local storage (HTML5), or session storage.
This storage may be updated each time you visit this Web App, if the content on the server has changed since you last visited.
We reserve the right to save anonymous cookies to your browser, but we will never store any personally identiftying information.
- But you know that I voted for this one really cool Site, isn't that "personally identifying"?!
Each time you vote for a Site, we will add that site to an array stored in your browser - it does not say anything about who you are, just that your browser has voted for that site.
Note that if you clear your Browser cache, then your vote will no longer be displayed to you on that Site's page, but rest assured it is already included in the average and total that is displayed for a Site.
Questions, Feedback & Comments:
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© 2013 Arizona Board of Regents