The Green Walking Tour (GWT) is a publicly accessible self-guided tour featuring urban sustainability in Tucson’s renaissance as an eco-city. The tour combines 50 sites, 16 tours and over 100 green “features” and practices to illustrate how the community has invested in sustainable outcomes through solar energy arrays, water harvesting, green infrastructure, energy efficiency and eco-friendly neighborhoods.

The tour follows the 4.2 mile “all-electric” SunLink Tucson Streetcar from the University of Arizona to the heart of Downtown. You will also find electric-car charging stations and extended bike trail tours.

The GWT is a University of Arizona Renewable Energy Network (UA REN) mobile app developed in collaboration with the Sustainable City Project (SCP) and the City of Tucson.


This mobile app was developed by J.D. Gibbs and Matt Rahr and designed by Kimberly Daly of UA CALS CCT. Special thanks to Lia Sansom who put it all together.

For navigation and other functionality, click the icon (button) located at the top right of any page.


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Accessible Navigation Menu:
Project List
Streetcar Map